www.LegendaryTitans.com/pl |

1. Playing the game you agree with the following:
1.1. You have fully read the Agreement before starting playing.
1.2. Starting playing the game means that you accept all terms of the Agreement without any exceptions or inclusions from your side. Using the game with other conditions are not allowed.
1.3. If you do not agree with the Agreement or do not have the right to accept it you should immediatelly stop using the game.
1.4. The Agreement (including any part of that) can be modified by the administration without any special notification. New edition of the Agreement takes effect from the moment of its publishing on the following URL: http://www.legendarytitans.com/pl/rules/ in case of nothing different is stated by the new edition of the Agreement.
2. Common terms of using the game:
2.1. As users of the game can act only capable persons over 18 years old.
2.2. Using specific features of the game allowed only when user completes registration on the game site, as well as one pays for the services.
2.3. Paid services offered users that contracted with one of operators that provides mobile telecommunication services or with a payment agent (hereinafter - "Operator").
2.4. The list of features, the use of which requires pre-registration of users, and paid services is determined in the sole discretion of the Administration and may vary from time to time.
2.5. Specifying identification data associated with a user account by making a payment, you confirm that you are a user that has registered this account or acting on his behalf and in their interests. Funding the account of a game user is based on data provided by the Operator.
2.6. Some technical, organizational, financial and commercial terms of games, including its functionality and paid services can be made available to users through a separate location on the game site.
3. Administration offers to a registered user the following:
- Create on the game site a game character and control that;
- Using technical abilities of the game site to exchange game stuff with other users;
- Using technical abilities of the game site to send and receive messages to/from othe users;
- Post and read messages of other users in game forums.
4. By accepting the Agreement, you represent and warrant that:
4.1. You have all necessary rights and authorized to conclude the Agreement and implement that;
4.2. You will use the game solely for the purposes permitted by this Agreement in compliance with its provisions, as well as the requirements of applicable law and common practice;
4.3. You will not engage in any activities that are in conflict or impede the provision of the game (or impede working related hardware, networks, or software that runs the game);
4.4. Your use of the game for specific purposes does not violate the property and/or the moral rights of third parties, as well as prohibitions and restrictions imposed by applicable law, including without limitation a copyright and related rights, trademarks, service marks and appellations of origin, industrial design rights, rights to use images of people, living or dead, etc. Materials placed by you do not contain information and/or images that offend human dignity, advocating violence, pornography, drugs, racial or ethnic hatred, etc. and you have obtained all necessary approvals from the relevant persons in connection with the use of materials.
5. By accepting the Agreement, you understand and agree that:
5.1. The game is intended for personal, family, household and other non-entrepreneurial activity needs of individuals. Using the game for commercial purposes is prohibited.
5.2. The game is provided "as is", and therefore you do not have any guarantee that the game will meet your needs, services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free, the results that may be obtained using the game, be accurate and reliable, and the quality of any products, services, information and other content obtained using the game, will meet your expectations, and all errors in the game software will be corrected.
5.3. Since the game is under constant updates and additions of new functionality, form and nature of the services provided may change from time to time without prior notice. The administration has the right at its sole discretion, to terminate (permanently or temporarily) providing services (or any features within the Services) to you or to users generally at, in particular, without your prior notice.
5.4. The site design, its software and support designed for access via the mobile terminal via radio (cellular) services via WAP and/or GPRS. When accessed from other devices and/or other protocols, the game may not work properly.
5.5. Administration is not responsible for the quality and speed of data transmission. All questions on the stability of the connection, configuration, settings, mobile phone and other similar technical problems should be addressed to the Operator.
5.6. The cost of WAP/GPRS-traffic determined by agreement with the Operator. The cost of services should be checked with the Operator. All financial matters related to payment for WAP\GPRS-traffic have to be addressed to the Operator.
5.7. The administration has nothing to do with the materials posted by users on the site (hereinafter - the "Content"), and do not review the content, authenticity and safety of these materials, as well as their compliance with applicable law, and the user has the necessary rights to the volume of their use.
5.8. By using the game you can get content that may contain information considered offensive or obscene, and in violation of applicable law and the rights of third parties.
5.9. All responsibility for the content, and compliance with its requirements of the applicable law takes the person who created this content and/or placed it on the game site.
5.10. The game may contain links to other resources, and the administration is not responsible for the availability of these resources for their content and advertising materials, or for any consequences arising from the use of these resources, their content or advertising.
5.11. You are solely responsible for any breach of your obligations under this Agreement and/or the applicable law, and for the consequences of such violations (including any loss or damage which may be incurred by the owner of the game and other third parties).
5.12. Administration reserves the right to remove any content from the site, or temporarily restrict access to them without explanation.
5.13. In the case of repeated violations of the terms of this Agreement and/or the requirements of the law, the administration reserves the right to terminate user's account fully or in any of its services (blogs, website, file server, etc.).
5.14. In the event of any claims of third parties in respect of any breach of the property and/or the moral rights of third parties, as well as the legislation bans or restrictions, you must fully compensate for losses the Administration.
5.15. The administration eliminated from any liability connected with the violations you have admitted, as well as causing harm or loss under the above circumstances.
5.16. In all circumstances, the responsiblity of the administration is limited to 30 (thirty) USD and is assigned to it in case of fault in its actions.
6. You agree to receive from the site Email- and SMS-messages (hereinafter - "Notifications") of significant events with its information resources in the system, under the following conditions:
6.1. The Administration agrees to use notifications to inform you only about the possibilities of the system and/or about changes in its information resources.
6.2. The Administration undertakes not to accompany notifications advertising messages from third parties.
6.3. The Administration provides the user to adjust the frequency and causes of receipt of the notifications up to a complete refusal to receive notifications.
7. From the moment of the registration user agrees to automatic processing, use and dissemination of his personal data.
8. Other terms and conditions:
8.1. To the Agreement and the relationship of the parties applies the law of the Russian Federation.
8.2. All disputes under this Agreement and in connection therewith shall be considered by the Russian courts, in accordance with the general rules of jurisdiction.
8.3. Recognition by the court of any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or enforceable does not entail invalidation of other provisions of the Agreement.
8.4. The present document provides the entire agreement between the parties from the moment of acceptance by you in accordance with Article 1 of the Agreement and supersedes any prior or implied agreements.
Game rules
Following are prohibited:
- Register more than one playable character by the same user in order to obtain a competitive advantage and/or increase their wealth of other game characters or game characters of third parties (multiple registrations).
- Use third-party tools to improve/automate gaming features (bots, cheating).
- Use in the nickname of the character and/or in the title of clan, insults, and register names and nicknames affecting policy, inciting ethnic strife or that are links to other internet resources. Also to avoid confusion among the other players, nicknames and clan titles should not be similar to the names (nicknames) and the clan titles used by the game administration and other users.
- Humiliate and denigrate the honor and dignity of the game administration, moderators, other players and third parties outside the game.
- Violate or disregard the rules of behavior in chat (systematic, deliberate violations).
- Use game "bugs" (technical errors), transmit information of its existance to third parties, excepting the Administration.
- Send, transmit, reproduce or distribute in any way by the resulting game software or other materials, that fully or partly protected by copyrights and other rights without the permission of the owner or legal owner.
- Disseminate sexually explicit information (in different forms of presentation and dissemination), not intended for public access of persons under the age of majority.
- Commit or incite third parties to commit acts prohibited by applicable law, including those related to drug trafficking, terrorist activities, calling for the overthrow of the legally elected government, pornography, any form of discrimination based on gender, age, religion or other characteristics.
- Transfer the details of your character (username, password) to other players, both free of charge and for ingame or real money.
- Sell clans for ingame or real money, exchange clans for game equipment, resources, etc.
- Buy and sell things, artifacts, resources, game currency from the game for real money.
For these and other violations of rules of the game the player (user) may immediately, without prior notice, denied to provide game services or such services may be limited in whole or in part.
The Administration manages and administers the game in its sole discretion.
Using the services of the game by a player (user) exclusively on their own and on an "as-is", that means the administration is not responsible to the player under any circumstances for any direct and/or indirect damages that may have a player in obtaining game services or for the inability to obtain such services.
These rules may be modified by the game administration without any prior notice. Player shall check these terms periodically for changes at least once every seven days. In the event that such a test is not made within a specified time or after reading the rules (the new version of the rules) and the player continues to use the service game, it considers that the player has read and agrees to the rules (the new version of the rules).
Communication rules
To all users:
The forum and chat use the common courtesy that socially accepted. Forums and Chat are public places. What is rude to say and do in public places is prohibited in Forums and Chat.
Also prohibited:
- Offensive remarks about other people, baiting people.
- Incitement and provocation of arguments, quarrels, swearing, hitting and so forth.
- Pointless flood, when a person is constantly noted across all topics pointlessly and not funny.
- Talks in other language than English in Chat and in public forum topics. Exception: special topics in Common forum dedicated to players locality.
- Publishing in posts, avatars, signatures, images and texts of porn, violence, BDSM and just pictures evoke strong negative emotions.
- Promotion of violence, fascism, inciting ethnic hatred.
- Promotion of and stories about all drugs in any form.
- Create nicknames that duplicate existing users (when a user creates an account with the nickname similiar to the nickname of another user).
- Create nicknames with name or with a hint of the famous and well-known people, nicknames with abusive or simply rude words or hints of harsh words.
- Register more than one playable character by the same user in order to obtain a competitive advantage and/or increase their wealth of other game characters or game characters of third parties (multiple registrations)
- Publication of referral links.
- Publication of materials and links related to the cracks, warez, bots, exploits and other things that can be attributed to foul play or violate the rights of the players and the developers/publishers of the game and other software, or that violates existing law.
- Commercial advertising and acts contrary to the interests of developers, administrators and advertisers.
- Postings in very old threads are not welcome. Senseless postings in more than one old topics at the same time is forbidden. Strictly prohibited posting in old news sections. Raising an old topic in order to ask meaningful questions on the topic of discussion permitted.
In case of violation a system of warnings and bans is applied.
If banned visitor creates a new account, it may be banned without any notification, and all posts from the new account can be deleted.
About moderators:
Administration and moderators watches the order in forums.
- Publicly discuss the actions of moderators and/or administration, argue with moderator in the topic;
- Note: If the moderator is involved in the discussion along with all visitors, then argueing with him in a particular subject is allowed.
- Directly or veiledly (hidden or concealed) insult moderators/administration;
- Discuss actions of suspended (banned) users who currently unable to answer;
- Post messages on behalf of the banned users.
If you are dissatisfied with the actions of moderators - write a message to the support
Moderators are not allowed to:
- Moderate themes in which they themselves take part in the discussion; Clarification: This is about "hot" topics in which the moderator spoke at one or another side.
- Intervene in the life of clans, clan forums (except open clan forums) without permission of the clan leader.
Moderators are allowed to:
- Close any topic if they believe that further development of the subject cannot lead to anything other than abuse;
- Issue warnings to users who do not comply with the forum rules, ban users, when a warning to that is not enough.
Abuse reports
Members are not required to respond to all reports of violations. If the moderator has not reacted to the report, then he believes that his intervention is not required.